Baldin K. E. Agricultural education of the peasants in Kostroma province in the early 20th century

The article is devoted to agricultural propaganda, which was conducted among the peasants by Russian Zemstvo. This scientific topic is considered on the example of Kostroma province, which was both an industrial and agricultural region. The two main forms of such propaganda were individual readings (lectures) and courses, the villagers received new information and new skills of economic activity. The topics of readings and courses were varied: livestock, beekeeping, growing feed grasses, etc. Universal courses were also held, during which knowledge and skills were given in a variety of sectors of agriculture. Lecturers at readings and courses were local agronomists and veterinarians. The students were usually middle-aged and middle-income peasants who were literate and consciously seeking to improve their economy. Readings and courses in Kostroma province demonstrated their effectiveness, after them the peasants sought to change the algorithm and techniques of their farm, buy better tools, sow new crops in their fields. This contributed to the improvement of the living standards of peasants.

Key words: Zemstvo, Russian peasantry, Zemstvo agronomists, agricultural readings, agricultural courses, popular agricultural books.

Reference to article:

Baldin K. E. Agricultural education of the peasants in Kostroma province in the early 20th century // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2020. No.4. P. 65-75.

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