Petryakov L.G., Kochura A.L. Free consciousness: border identity and life at the turn

The article discusses the free consciousness characteristic of nomads — nomads, manifested in modern Cossacks, Old Believers, gypsies, artists and other people of the so-called “free professions”. It is shown that free consciousness characterizes the person of the “frontier” in the geographical, social and historical sense. It is substantiated that the frontier determines not only […]

Vasyukov V.L. Logics of consciousness

The author focuses on the question of the possibility of using a network approach to study thinking provoked by studies of the structure of the brain (neural networks). The use of logical calculus as a network (conclusions as graph edges) is proposed. It is fixed that if we consider the so-called post-systems as these calculi, […]

Shulga E.N. Phenomen of consciousness and the methodology of its study

The author focuses on consciousness as a fundamental concept that indicates a person’s ability to generalization, rational conclusions, systematic knowledge and cognitive activity. It is noted that the variety of characteristics makes it necessary to limit ideas about the manifestations of consciousness, defining the latter based on the meaning prescribed for it. The author especially […]

Sokolov R.N., Ryzhov I.V., Rogozhina E.M. Influence of external factors on the specific activities of private military companies in the framework of the military services system

Private military companies operate under exceptional conditions. Their image in society, the policy of states in regulating their activities, market conditions and the cost of contracts depend on two main factors: the will of a private military company and the conditions of its environment. In this study, the authors consider private military companies as a […]

Liu Jiamin. Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the “One Belt and One Road” project: main areas of cooperation, problems and prospects

The article is devoted to the actual and large-scale project “One Belt and One Road”, implemented from 2013 to 2019. in Eurasia. The article reflects the main areas of cooperation between the two countries participating in the project, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The prospects for cooperation are described and the problems of the implementation of this […]

Logvinova A.A. Anonymous christian authors of agiography tradition in the “Library” of Patriarch Photius

The article discusses the translation of the codes of the famous work of Photius of Constantinople. Codes 252—258 are presented to your attention. They relate to the thematic composition of the martyrologies. As a rule, the martyrology (μαρτύρ, martyr, and λόγος word) is a collection that contains stories about martyrs who suffered for Jesus Christ […]