Philippovsky G.Yu. At the origins of Russian literature (On the period structure of Old Russian literature)

The paper is related with the actual problems of Old Russian literature, its period structure. Many of the university courses used traditionally the term “Kievan Rus X—XIII cc.” for the early Russian literature. Its clear, however, that this usage is not correct. Because since 1155 the capital of Rus’ was moved from Kiev to Wladimir-on-Klyazma. It has become the main centre of politics and literary work (along with some other centres independent of Kiev). New literary important text “The Tale of Wladimir Virgin miracles” was created in 1160-s. It consists of 12 short novels-miracles of the Virginicon on the way from Kiev to Wladimir-on-Klyazma. The last miracle of the cycle presents the image of the Golden Gates as a symbol of new capital of Rus’ (following ancient christian and pre-christian tradi-tion). Kiev, as academician D.S.Likhachov assumed, moved to the historical “shade” in 1150-s and its image had become the matter of epic legend with further creation of Kievan epic cycle of bylines. The same epic image of Kiev can be found in the final episode of the “Igor’ Tale” and the “Tale of Prince Andrew the Godloved’ murder” (early XIII c.). New (Wladimir) period in the development of Old Russian literature (XII — beg. XIII c.) laid foundation for all further Medieval and New literary movement in Russia.

For citation:

Philippovsky G.Yu. At the origins of Russian literature (On the period structure of Old Russian literature), Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2022, iss. 3, pp. 48—61.